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Charging Standard:

Register for free membership: Casting suppliers can register for free membership on the website of www.Foundry-Suppliers.Com and post your company introduction and trade leads which will be listed in the Global Foundry Suppliers Database free of charge;
Register for VIP membership: Full membership can browse the details of buyers in Global Casting Buyers Database including drawings, annual purchasing value, and contact information, etc. Full membership fees: $1300 per year. You can also get free business matching service for emergency procurement project.
Participate in the conference: Negotiating with overseas purchasers
Fees: Suppliers: $400 per standard seat     $500 for each VIP seat
Equipment manufacturer, supporting supplier or service provider: $500 per standard seat
(Including a full set of conference materials, conference lunch and two months’ full membership)
Participate in the exhibition: SC will set stands for suppliers and recommend suitable purchasers 90 days before the conference opening. Fees: $1000 per booth for casting suppliers; 
Products promotion: SC will release related information on over 50 overseas and domestic media, be responsible for recommending buyers 90 days prior to the conference beginning, and provide further communications and 365-day tracking services;
Charge: $3,000 for 12-minutes presentation, including two VIP seats, a stand, a complete set of conference materials, and full membership service for half a year.




Contact Us:

Suppliers China Co., Ltd. (SC)
Room 106, Building 4, No.41 Jilin Road, Qingdao, Shandong Province
Tel: +86-532-8380 5316
Mob: +86-152 0532 9572